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Show your support. Contact your Senator.

Tell us your story!


We want to hear about how high quality Early Head Start, Head Start, preschool and other early childhood opportunities have benefited your lives or the lives of your children. Once you have recorded your video or written your story, take the following steps to share it with the Children's Defense Fund so we can share it with the world.


Story Collection Template


Here are the key questions to ask when recording stories.


  1. What is your name?

  2. What program did you or your child go to? Was it a Head Start program, a preschool program? Where did it take place?

  3. How old were you or your child?

  4. How did the program change you or your child's life?

  5. Would you recommend the program and why?


How to Share Your Story - Scholars


  1. Upload your video to a Youtube or Vimeo channel.

  2. Email the link to your video to the Children's Defense Fund.  

  3. Upon review we will upload your video to the Kid Congress website under the "Hear Our Stories" tab! 

How to Share Your Story - Parents


  1. Email your written story and photo to the Children's Defense Fund.

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